Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What God Says, Jesus Says

Recently, yet another Christian celebrity in a public interview, refused to answer a direct question when asked if a particular behavior, was a sin. I’m not going to name the celebrity here, nor am I going to name the specific sin, (it is a sin according to the Bible), because the focus doesn’t need to be on one person or even one sin, but on those who seem afraid as Christians, to speak truth when that truth is unpopular in the world today.

There has been a flurry of articles in the media about why the response is ok in the eyes of the author. In these responses are a very serious error. One of the main reasons given for why some Christians are hesitant to speak against a specific sin is that they say, “Well, Jesus never talked about that. He never said it was a sin.”

There are several reasons why that response is wrong. First of all, neither Jesus nor God made a complete list of every specific sin. The Bible would be so thick, no one could carry one around. Jesus never spoke about it being a sin to have sex with a child. He never addressed abortion. (I know, some of you think that’s okay as well. If you do? Well, you might want to avoid me in the future.) Jesus never said you cannot add extra hours to your time sheet at work. Yet, the basic moral law is embedded within scripture and once the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside of a believer, he is able to discern sinful behaviors and actions.

An even more important point to grasp is found in the Gospel of John.

John 3:34
"For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure.”

Jesus and God are one. This is basic Christianity. The verse above is speaking of the incarnate Christ, who came to the earth and speaks the Word of God. John 1 even tells us Jesus is the Word. What God says in the Old Testament, what He calls sin, is sin in the eyes of Jesus, as well.

John 10:30
"I and the Father are one."

If God calls something a sin, Jesus calls it a sin. Looking at scripture and trying to manufacture excuses for us to be able to stay in our sins, for whatever reason, is wrong and as a Christian, is dangerous ground to be on.

I understand the pressures of Christian celebrities. Especially in this age where everything we say is plastered on social media. But we are called to die to ourselves. We may not be killed for our faith, but we must be willing to lose earthly things for it. That’s in the Bible. Look it up. Christian celebrities have been given a platform to stand for God. I know that is tough. But they don’t mind receiving the blessings that their God-given gifts have brought to them in terms of lifestyle. They must be willing to stand for truth.

This applies to us all. The world is watching us. We are called to be salt AND light, not just light. Salt will burn when put into a wound and the world around us is lost and needs Christ. The world is severely wounded. The Gospel is going to offend sinners.

I am not saying we go Westboro Baptist on people. That’s wrong. But when someone asks us a direct question about our faith, we need to answer from scripture. If someone says to you, “Is it a sin to be (fill in the blank), we need to simply point them to scripture and say according to God, yes, it is. We need to explain to them the whole Gospel. Those questions are openings to share and to lead people to the true Gospel, the one that causes new birth, makes people new creations.

Christians, we live in difficult times and our faith is going to cost us. Let us not deny the truth of the scriptures, let us preach the Gospel, unashamedly. Let us show people that they are sinners, desperately in need of a savior. That’s the salt. Then let us show them the light. Tell then that “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” But for those not in Christ Jesus? There is only judgment.

Don’t apologize for God. Preach His Word boldly. That’s what the Great Commission is. Don’t change what God says. You don’t have to. He knows what He is doing. Salvation is from the Lord. – Jonah 2:9, not from us.







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