Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Value of Your Bible

What would you do for a Klondike bar? Most of us have seen that commercial. But today the question is this; What would you do for a Bible? Would you dance if I came and brought you one? Would tears of joy run down your face?

How many Bibles do you own? Personally I own at least thirty-eight complete Bibles, several versions of the New Testament, and many more electronic versions that I can view on my laptop, my desk computer, my Ipad, and even my phone. I also own numerous commentaries which also include the entire Word of God embedded in them. For me there is no excuse to not be saturated in God’s Word all day, every day.  It is now possible for me to have multiple translations of God’s Word with me no matter where I am.

But for many Christians across this world to simply have access to one Bible is a tremendous blessing. According to the Wycliffe people the Bible is available in complete form to 531 different languages. The New Testament exists for 1,329 different languages while there are another 1,023 who have at least one book of the Bible in their own language. At this time there are 2,195 projects of translations going on while there are about 1,860 languages yet to be worked on. This leaves 1.3 billion people who do not have a complete Bible to read in their own language much less a Bible of their own.

Last Sunday I was blessed to be in Tennessee visiting my daughter and attended her church where they are currently in a sermon series on God’s Word. Before the sermon the pastor told a story about how forty years ago some missionaries went into an unreached group of natives to take them the Gospel and to tackle the monumental task of translating the Bible into their own language. The leader of the group was killed by the tribe. But throughout history God has moved greatly through the witness of those truly willing to die for the Gospel. The tribe was converted to Christ and the process of getting the Word of God translated into their own language was finally completed after forty years. (Typically this is about a thirty year process.) Then a video was shown of the arrival of the newly printed Bibles in the village. It was an amazing thing to see.

As the plane landed with their new Bibles on board the entire village was there to meet the plane. Dressed in their native clothing adorned with all types of colorful feathers these people danced with joy as the plane taxied. As the Bibles were handed to the leader of the tribe, men who looked like fierce warriors watched intently and tears of joy ran down their eyes. I have never seen anything like this. After the video the pastor was moved to tears as was I.

Imagine being a Christian and hearing about Jesus at church but never being able to go home and find comfort and joy in the scriptures. Imagine those times when doubt creeps in and not being able to be strengthened by the Word of God. Imagine praying to God but not having His Word at your side to pray through. Imagine trying to share Christ with your family but not having a Bible to read the great stories of scripture. Imaging having no Bible.

Maybe you don’t have to imagine. Maybe though you have a Bible you never open it up. Maybe you’ve never prayed through scripture. Maybe your Bible is buried somewhere under a pile of other books or sits covered with dust on a bookshelf.

My friends, God has given us His Word. Most of us reading this have blessings of things others in lands far away cannot even imagine having. Most of us have a Bible. We should not take that for granted.

Open God’s Word this very day. Make a conscious decision to spend time with Jesus every day by reading His Word. Dust off that Bible. It will change your life. I leave you with God’s Word on God’s Word.

Psalm 19:7-10
The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

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