Friday, March 20, 2015

The Five Stones in David’s Pouch – Stone 5 Community

We come now to the fifth and final stone of David which is the stone of “Community”. As previously, mentioned the use of the five stones as weapons against our enemy are best used in a coordinated attack or defense. But as I thought about the stone of community as it relates to the other four stones I began to understand that most of us have a bent towards one weapon or another. It’s as if we are just gifted with the ability to sling that stone better than the others. Personally I seem to be more able to use the stones of Prayer and of the Word more effectively than the others. So I have to learn to discipline myself in becoming proficient in the other three. The stone of Community is probably my weakest stone.

The stone of community is a powerful weapon that enhances the other stones. Take prayer for instance. Certainly there is power in prayer but when a group of believers join together in prayer it becomes even more effective. There is power in worship but when people gather in corporate worship it too has a special effect on things. When people gather in small groups to study and read the Word great things happen. When a tragedy hits and a group of Christians gather around a friend in pain suddenly the level of hope rises even in the severest of situations. There is power in community.

In his book Cavetime, Pastor Jeff Voth talks about the different types of community we need. If you are married then the community of your spouse is very powerful. When a couple has a marriage based on God’s plan then they will each empower the other by their faith. Community includes having a close friend and when that friendship develops into a tight level of trust we find power in standing together and also in knowing truth is shared. Small groups are very powerful ways to gather in the cave and help each other fight out the battles of life. Church itself when properly handled is an imperative to become equipped to use the weapons God has given us.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 is a wonderful scripture that helps explain the value of community.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

So there are the five stones we all need to equip ourselves with. Show up, worship God, pray, be in the Word, and gather in community. God has given us everything we need to fight the battles we face whatever they may be. He has already won the war but wants us to engage in the mop-up battles because there is no better way to become experts at warfare than to be battle tested. Life is going to be hard and until Christ returns we must keep up the fight.

I really encourage each of you to get a copy of Cavetime by Jeff Voth. I actually believe it is worth reading by women as well, if nothing else it will give you a little insight into what it’s like for Christian men to try and be faithful to fulfilling the calling God gives men. My intent was not to steal Pastor’s Voth’s ideas or to get credit for things he shared but my intent was to share the truth of God’s Word as he illuminates so well in the book.

My prayer is that all of you reading this are blessed and are moved to seek a deeper relationship with God.

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