Monday, March 16, 2015

The Five Stones in David’s Pouch – Stone 1

You don’t have to be a soldier to wake up every day to an attack. In reality as Christians we are under attack every day of our lives. Though it isn’t AK 47 rounds or rocket propelled grenades that we face, the attack is just as real and just as dangerous. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” We have an enemy and he is real.
When Christ died on the cross He secured the victory for us. In the end if we have made Jesus Lord of our lives we know the ultimate enemy, death, has no power over us and we will reign in eternity with King Jesus. But until that day we must get up every morning and face the battle.
Recently I read a book called Cavetime by Pastor Jeff Voth. The book was a study of the way David in the Old Testament found that retreating to the cave was a necessary time he needed in order to keep himself prepared for the battles of his life. It was based on the story found in 1 Samuel chapters 17 through chapter 25:16. The book was written with men as its target because of the attack on our role as Christian men being a major target of Satan. I want to call attention to the concept he uses of the 5 stones David used to sling at the enemy during his life. Though our roles as men are different than women in our Christian lives, the need for these 5 stones is just as necessary for all of us. Today we will look at stone number one.
The first stone is the “Show Up” stone. 1 Samuel 22:1 says that “David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam.” When I first read the book I wasn’t all that impressed with this stone and wondered if making it first wasn’t too simplistic. But as I pondered this after finishing the book I came to understand that without this first step there are no other stones. I also began to remember how that there are times in our lives when the enemy has us so surrounded that we forget to show up. This might manifest itself in self-pride that says I don’t need God or maybe in apathy that there is no point in calling on God. Often it is at the lowest point in our struggles that we finally realize we cannot do this by ourselves. Often we turn to other things and other people before realizing that in the end of it all, it is Jesus that we need.
The enemy will try and block your path to God. One of the most effective ways he keeps us pinned down is through our past. We think our sins are too many or too evil to for God to forgive. But this is just one of the many lies of the devil. The Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:12-14, saying this, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Do not let the past stop you from retreating towards Jesus. We must make an intentional decision to call retreat when life has us pinned down. Even Jesus retreated to spend time with the Father in Heaven. Jesus retreated to the mountains, got in a boat to escape, and went to the garden to be in the presence of God.
So take steps to be sure you are “showing up”. This means more than church on Sunday. It means seeking Jesus every day. Schedule yourself time with Jesus but don’t limit yourself with only that time. Turn off the TV when at home alone and just be quiet and tell Him you need Him. Turn off the radio while driving and give that time to God. If the break room at work is a place where the attack goes on, then step outside or find a stairwell to escape. Take a hike in the woods or sit by a creek and just show up. You will be amazed at how simply retreating from the battle and telling Jesus you need Him will re-arm you and allow you to get back into the fight.
So show up. Tomorrow we will look at the second stone in the bag, worship, and begin to see how these stones, though handy alone, together make our arsenal effective against the enemy.

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