Wednesday, December 31, 2014

THE PSALMS – A JOURNEY IN WORSHIP AND FAITH - December 31, 2014 – Day 137 - Psalm 137

On the eve of the coming new year we look back at the previous year and we look forward to the coming one. As is the custom many people make New Year’s resolutions. For most of us it is a time to make the same old promises to ourselves. I know as I reflect back, though I could say I made some progress, for the most part I fell right back into my old patterns. As Christians it is our goal to move forward in the battle against the old sin nature. I know in my own life I do not feel as if I made much progress. I am afraid I am still captive to the same old sins that haunt me. Psalm 137 is a song of lament. In its historical context it speaks of the Jewish captivity in Babylon which was a result of their sin. Notice that there are two key words of this psalm; remember and forget. Keep that in mind as we look at this psalm.

Psalm 137:1
By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion.

Like the Jews looked back in memory of what they had in Zion, we Christians need to remember what we can have in Christ. It is good sometimes to just sit down at the waters of your own Babylon and weep over our sin. This is part of the act of repentance and is where we must begin.

Psalm 137:2-3
On the willows there we hung up our lyres. For there our captors required of us songs, and our tormentors, mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

While the Jews were held captive by the Babylonians, we are often held captive by our sins. We have an enemy who wants us to be held captive because he knows there is freedom in Christ and that is the last thing Satan wants us to have. I read this post on Facebook today: “The Devil doesn't care if u look at porn all day, or if u look at Facebook all day, as long as u don't look at Christ all day.” This is right on. Satan will use any means he can to draw you away from Christ. In reality Satan has no power over a Christian so what he does is use deception and subtle methods to be sure you occupy your mind with anything but Jesus.

Psalm 137:4
How shall we sing the LORD's song in a foreign land?

But we Christians must ask ourselves that question; How shall we sing the LORD's song in a foreign land? We must get ourselves back on the path Christ has laid out for us otherwise our witness is lost and our growth stunted.

Psalm 137:5-6
If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill! Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy!

Are you looking for a New Year’s resolution that matters? Then choose to make it your life’s passion to put Jesus first in your life in every aspect. Find your joy in Him. Though Christians are free from the law this is not license to find joy in anything but Him. If your joy is in a bottle or a drug then Jesus is not your first love. If your joy is in sex or pornography then your joy is not in Him. If you seek anything but Christ to be your highest joy then you must ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you as the psalmist has done above.

Before we finish the final three verses of this psalm there is a very important concept we must grasp. I want to share a quote from Jon Courson in his application commentary on this psalm as it pertains to verses 7-9 which are what we call an imprecatory prayer. First read the scriptures.

Psalm 137:7-9
Remember, O LORD, against the Edomites the day of Jerusalem, how they said, "Lay it bare, lay it bare, down to its foundations!" O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Listen to Courson’s explanation:       

“Here, the psalmist asks for revenge upon the Babylonians—even to the point of dashing their children upon the rocks. Again, remember that the Old Testament deals with material and physical issues that picture spiritual New Testament principles. If you don't understand this, the entire Old Testament will be confusing and troubling to you. But if you do understand this, the Old Testament will be wonderfully relevant to you.”

Brothers and sisters as Christians we are involved in a great war but it is a spiritual one. Ephesians chapter 6 is clear; we are not fighting a physical enemy but a spiritual one. Our prayers should not be directed at people even if Satan is using them to hurt us. Jesus said we pray for our enemies. Hear again the words of Jon Courson on this topic:

“Like the Babylonians, there are those who would seek to make us captives and destroy the city of our soul. They are demonic entities and spirits who seek to keep us in bondage and to turn our singing into sighing (Ephesians 6:12). Once you understand this, like the psalmist, you'll develop a hatred for demonic spirits and the enemy that seeks to destroy people, relationships, health, and every area of life. And, like the psalmist, you'll wage war in prayer against these demons.”

The war has been won by Jesus at Calvary but we still have mop-up battles to fight. As we usher in the New Year why not commit yourself to engaging the enemy through intensive prayer. Pray for yourself, your children, your friends, and your pastor. Put on the armor of God. Maybe tonight is the night you skip the party and just sit down at the river and weep over your sin. Then confess it to Christ and let it go. Remember then forget. God’s mercies are new every day. Why not start anew this very night? Why not start the year with Jesus? May God bless each of you in the coming year.

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