Saturday, June 4, 2016

Why Suffering God? Why? – Part 1

Why? We all have seasons of our lives in which we face trials and troubles that cause us to ask the question; Why? Why God? Why do all these horrible things in life happen? Why did I lose my baby to miscarriage? Why was I laid off at work? Why did my husband lose his love and devotion to me and run off? Why did my teenager get addicted to heroin? And why, oh why do little children get sick and suffer through debilitating and deadly diseases? The litany of why questions about suffering in this world have no end.

To the mind of the unsaved peoples of the world the answer escapes them. To many of them for God to allow suffering, especially to children, makes Him an ogre and they want nothing to do with a god who allows little children to starve to death everyday. But even to the Christian the question of suffering is a difficult one. In my own church right this very day we are praying for the very young daughter of our youth pastor, who just yesterday had surgery for a brain tumor that has also wrapped itself around her spine and brain stem and the initial prognosis suggests stage 4 cancer. This little girl’s mother and father have been faithful disciples, having sown much seed into the world and have seen a wonderful harvest of fruit from their labors. This seems to make no sense. This leaves us with the proverbial question, “why do bad things happen to good people?”  

The truth is there is an answer to the question “why is there suffering?” But the answer is complex and there is not one simple response because there are different reasons for different sufferings. God does not operate in the same realm man does for God is spirit (See John 4:24).  God, Himself says this in Isaiah 55:8-9, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.” God exists in an eternal realm while we live this life out in a temporal one. Things do not look the same when viewed through the lens of eternity as they do when we try and process them in light of this temporary life we spend here on earth. Thus things that make no sense here on earth make complete sense to God in heaven and to His eternal purposes. Solomon, who had been granted the greatest of worldly wisdom directly by God said this, in Ecclesiastes 8:16-17, “When I gave my heart to know wisdom and to see the task which has been done on the earth (even though one should never sleep day or night), and I saw every work of God, I concluded that man cannot discover the work which has been done under the sun. Even though man should seek laboriously, he will not discover; and though the wise man should say, "I know," he cannot discover.” So yes we search. But will we know the complete answer? Solomon says no.

Having attempted to explain the difference between God’s perspective of events and ours in the simplest terms above I hope now to share a few practical reasons suffering exits in this world. I am unqualified to do this. I urge you to read God’s Word, pray as you do and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of the scriptures as you ponder the mystery of suffering. As to my writing here my hope is that you will open your Bible and seek deeper understanding than I can offer as you consider the things I write. I will attempt to stay on a Biblical track for my opinions mean nothing except for when they directly line up with God’s Word. As you read these thoughts please, please understand I am not suggesting that the reasons listed below are the correct reason for your personal suffering. I don’t know why God has allowed the events to occur in your own life. That must be between you and Him. But I do believe that when suffering comes it behooves us to consider the possibilities I share in understanding why things happen as they do. Have an open mind to the Bible and let grace be what drives you forward. Give grace to others in their suffering and allow God’s grace to be upon you as well.

The greatest book of the entire Bible on suffering is the Book of Job. I suggest every Christian devote much time throughout their life studying it. I was saved through it. As we begin a look at suffering I want to begin with a quote from the man Job, who certainly knew suffering. Job asks a question and it is a good place to start in learning how to make your way through life. Job’s wife had just suggested that the response to Job’s suffering should be to “curse God and die.” But even in the midst of tremendous personal loss this is what Job said in Job 2:10,  “Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” Sometimes the Christian life just demands a simple faith. If we say we trust God for our eternal destination of heaven, then must we not also trust Him for the short days of our life on earth?

As we begin to look at suffering and seek an explanation first we must understand who God is. Knowing the attributes of God is paramount in in living out the life as a Christian. So let us take a quick Biblical snapshot of God.

I think it helps us to get one fact embedded into our minds; understanding God and His ways in this life with this sin-stained and broken mind and heart is just not possible. Let us humbly hear from the Word of God.

Job 37:5
"God thunders with His voice wondrously, Doing great things which we cannot comprehend.”

Romans 11:33-34
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!  “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”

Yet in light of these statements God has revealed Himself to us and through Jesus and His work on the cross, we can have a relationship with Him. So even if we don’t understand every thing about Him and His ways we can know Him. So what CAN we know?

Next time we will look at what God has revealed to us about Himself.

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