Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Is There Still Truth?

The irony of truth in our world today is that it cannot be believed. We live in a world where we all carry a search engine in our pockets wherever we go and so when we do not know the answer to something or we wish to learn more about any topic then we just Google it. The problem with this is that the answers we get back are not necessarily the truth. This is really not a new phenomenon; truth has been under attack since the beginning of time. It was a distortion of truth in the Garden of Eden that led Adam and Eve to disobey God and since that day man has sought to have his own truth. But in reality there can be only truth despite what the relativism of the day declares.

 When Jesus was brought before Pilate He mentioned the word truth to him and Pilate’s response was the quintessential question we all need to know the answer to. Pilate said this in John 18:38, "What is truth?"

 We like to describe God as being love and certainly God is that. The Bible is clear that love is the most important trait we Christians need to be the light God calls us to be. But to describe God with simply one word just does not suffice. In this earthly state we shall never understand all there is to know about God. He is too deep, too wide, and to vast to know completely. You see we are finite beings with finite minds while God is infinite. But the Bible gives us all we need to know about God as we walk this life and probing the depths of its richness will keep us busy until Jesus takes us home.

 There are many attributes of God that the Bible teaches us. One of the descriptions of God is that He is truth and everything about Him is true. Many people are afraid of the word theology and they think we should leave that endeavor to the scholars and the philosophers but the word theology is really simply the study of God. Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship. The entire point of the Bible is that it is a story of a relationship with God which was messed up by man and then the restoral of that relationship through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. Theology should be seen as our attempts to know God and to know Him more and more each and every day. When we look at who God is it is clear that He is truth.

 All three persons of God are seen in what we call the trinity and all three persons of the trinity share the same attributes, one of them being truth. In Deuteronomy 32:4 we read that our God is “a God of truth.” Jesus describes Himself in John 14:6 saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Then in John 15:26 Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as “…the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father.” God is the truth.

 The world however rejects God and rejects Him as the truth. But in our own little Christian world we must be careful. You see truth can be destroyed by just one simple little addition or subtraction. There is warning about this found in Galatians 5:7-9, “You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you. A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.”

 Truth becomes non-truth when take anything at all away from it or if we add one small iota. This is how Satan operates. This has been the attack on the Bible for a very long time. This is why we have such a mess today in our own culture. One example is the legalization of abortion. Did you know that those who sought to make it legal hired an advertisement firm to help them push this through a country that at one time would never have dreamed of making it legal. They simply changed its name. Instead of calling it abortion; they called it choice. This changed the truth of what it really is; the murder of a child for selfish reasons.
Do you see the danger in that little twist of the truth? If we call ourselves Christians then we must be disciples of Christ. We must study under Him and know what He teaches. We must examine all things under the microscope of scripture. We must read and know all of it.

Christians, even a small amount of untruth is untruth. It really doesn’t even matter about motive in the alteration of truth. Many well-meaning preachers and Bible teachers and authors put out things that are simply not Biblical truth. Some are plants by Satan but some are just simply being human and being human means we are not perfect.

So the message today is simple; do not believe everything you read and hear but treat it all against scripture. God has empowered all believers with the Holy Spirit and He is the Spirit of truth sent to teach us all things. So today we must commit ourselves to God’s Word. That way as the end times draw nearer we will not be fooled by the subtle ways of the devil and the world. Jesus said it best in John 8:31-32, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  Don’t listen to me; listen to Him.

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