Monday, January 22, 2018

Truths From Isaiah For the Church Today

Reading in Isaiah 28-31 this morning and it is a treasure-laden field of gold. Isaiah writes of judgment and of redemption. Speaking for God, Isaiah gives us a clear picture of the justice of God and reminds us that we cannot just ignore God and His commandments on how to live. There is a coming judgment. Right now, we live in an age of grace, a time when we have an opportunity to repent and turn back to God. Isaiah also speaks of the hope we can have if we turn back. If we confess and repent, then we can live in eternal relationship with God through Jesus. The Book of Isaiah should awaken in us a renewed reverence for God; the fear of the Lord must be what guides our every choice.

Yet, even in this day, our world, our nation, and sadly, even in our churches, people seem to think the Bible is outdated. It is insensitive to the people. It is bigoted. It is racist. It is anti-woman. That is the new mantra. So, just as the times change, so much the church and its people. We must conform, and we must tolerate. It doesn't matter that the Bible condemns adultery, homosexuality, gender-neutrality, and any and other behavior that society deems right. We accept abortion, sex outside of marriage, divorce and almost every other behavior of the world as simply sins to confess and be forgiven for. Yes, those are not unforgivable sins. But we cannot continue as a church to not cry out against these sins. They must be preached against over and over until we truly repent.

I came across a scripture this morning that I think illustrates what we are doing. And this morning I cannot help but wonder what judgments Isaiah would have for us if he were a prophet today and sent to us.

Isaiah 29:16
You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, That what is made would say to its maker, "He did not make me"; Or what is formed say to him who formed it, "He has no understanding"?

We must stop trying to say that what God has said in His Holy Word, is no longer relevant. God DOES NOT change.

1 Peter 4:17
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
It is time.

Wake up church.

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