Monday, November 14, 2016

12 Facts of the Christian Faith Found In Genesis

I’ve been reading and studying the first book of the Bible, Genesis, this past couple of weeks now and this morning in the commentary I am using the author, Warren Wiersbe took a pause to sort of recap the first eleven chapters. Yesterday a fellow student of the Word of God has posted a statement referencing the purpose of the Old Testament to the modern Christian. The statement had validity for sure but it seemed to suggest there was only one purpose for why we still need the Old Testament. This is not true as God’s Word is not to be separated out in terms of old and new so that we think we don’t need the old. I always like to point out that every single person in the New Testament had and used only the Old Testament scriptures as they were used by God to begin and grow the Church, even Jesus. Jesus did a pretty good job of teaching and preaching from the OT scriptures. We must stop viewing the OT as a historical book of Israel and simply using it to memorize the names of the kings and the judges and use it as Jesus and the disciples did. The Gospel of Jesus is the entire point of God’s Word and the OT and the NT must be used in our work to fulfill the Great Commission as Jesus commands us to in Matthew 28:19-20 saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

In Genesis chapter 11 Wiersbe reminds us of many of the basics of our faith. Here is a quick review of some of the salient points we should recognize that come right out of the beginning of God’s Word.

1. God Is

The Bible never seeks to prove the existence of God; it simply declares He is. Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning, God…” The Bible says God is eternal, He was, He is, and He will be. The ramifications of this truth are many. We see in Genesis that God has unlimited power and all He must do is speak and things are created. Yet in spite of this all-powerful nature, God is a personal God who chose to create man so that we could have a personal relationship with Him.

2. We Live In His Creation

Genesis teaches us that, God created this entire universe and it is a beautiful creation filled with diversity of plants, animals, and even people. And God painted it all with colors, smells, and shapes and then He made man with the mind and facilities to enjoy it. Psalm 19:1 reminds us that “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”

3. God Made Us In His Image

The Book of Genesis reveals a lot about man. But if there is one lesson we must learn from this truth, maybe this is it; every person on this earth is made in His image and we will do well to look past the fallen effects of sin so that we can love each other as God has loved us.

4. Obedience Is Key

In the story of Adam and Eve we soon see that the effects of disobedience to God is what keeps us from enjoying the relationship with Him He intends us to have. Sin brings separation from God and the entire story of the Bible is the story of God’s plan to restore what was lost in the Garden of Eden.

5. Satan Is Real, But He Is Defeated

We are introduced to Satan in Genesis and we see that He is a real enemy. He seeks to deceive us and wants us to give him the devotion and worship God deserves from us. God gave us His Word and Satan from the very beginning has tempted us to doubt it. Satan’s question is this, “Has God really said?” Yes God really did say and if we want to live the best life possible then we must believe the truth of God’s Word. We must read and know God’s Word and we must let the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth. Guess what one part of that truth is? Jesus Christ has defeated Satan at Calvary and Satan has no power or authority over the Christian. We must claim the victory that is already been given us. Colossians 2:14-15 tells us “This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” Jesus has overcome Satan and we, through Him, are free.

6. Sin Is Real But Hiding From God Is Not The Answer

Genesis reveals the truth of sin. Adam and Eve sinned and then tried to hide from God. But God didn’t quit loving them. Instead God made a covering for their nakedness. This my friends is a picture of Christ, who came and by His death on the cross, His shed blood will cover us and thus God sees us as righteous and this fulfills the just nature of God who will not be in the presence of sin. Pick up a copy of a book called The Cross Of Christ by John Stott if you would like to see the big picture of what Christ did and how God has made a way for sinners to be made new and whole.

7. Sex Was Designed By God

In Genesis we see that God made us male and female. In spite of man’s attempt to follow Satan, who says “Did God REALLY say?” we see that God made us male and female and it is not up to us to change that. Sin has marred us and unless we are seeking the absolute truth of God’s Word, which reveals His plan for how we are to live, we get confused. We have bought the lie of Satan in thinking our feelings are what should direct our paths. No, God’s word should. Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Follow God’s Word not your feelings.

8. We Are All Of One Blood

Oh how we need to live by this truth. Genesis reveals we all derived out of one race. Again our sin has led us to think we are better (or for some – worse) than others.

9. Israel Is God’s Chosen People

To hate the Jews is to hate God’s sovereign right to use His creation for His purposes. Israel has a special place in God’s government. Through them the Church, God’s other chosen people, would find salvation. The Words of Jesus from John 4:22, You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.”

10. God Does Not Change and He Is In Control

Another fact we Americans need to take hold of. God is sovereign and no election changes that. Genesis and the entire rest of scripture teaches us that God has given us a will and yet in a mystery we cannot fathom with our human minds which are tainted by sin, His will is going to be accomplished in spite of our rebellious attempts to “do our own thing.” We will do well to stop trying to explain this and simply live by faith.

11. Faith Is The Basis Of Our Relationship To God.

Hebrews 11:6 is clear saying that “without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Genesis and the rest of the OT is the story of men who either lived by faith or lived without faith. As you read the OT look for the results of living by faith as compared to what happens when men chose not to.

12. Living For God Is The Best Way

The Bible when read and understood reveals a simple set of truths; faith and obedience are what bring us a fulfilled life free of worry, anxiety, and fear. This does not mean you get everything you want nor does it mean there will not be suffering and troubles. It means you can have peace, peace that transcends understanding, even in the middle of the storms.

Read God’s Word. A good place to start is Genesis for it is the beginning of us. It truly is our story. Make it yours. Let it be your path to a life that glorifies God for in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and He put you in it. You are His. Live that way.

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